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Let’s also not count how that Hunter may have his own doppelgänger on Earth 2. If he is connected to Zoom and these events, then he could easily have been kidnapped sometime after Caitlin and Jay saw him a couple weeks ago.

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However, there may be more to his life than we can glean from just seeing him reading in the park. In “The Reverse-Flash Returns,” Jay revealed to Caitlin that his Earth 1 counterpart is Hunter Zolomon, but that guy appeared to lead a normal life, i.e. In the meantime, we’ve gathered up the likeliest people who he might be using what little evidence we have so far.Ĭomic book fans know that Hunter Solomon is Zoom in the comics, but his role is more enigmatic on The Flash. Team Flash was forced to leave the masked man behind after Zoom caught them in the act of rescuing Jesse, but Barry promised he would come back for him, so we definitely haven’t seen the last of Mystery Man. Before the man could communicate further, Zoom told him to cut it out. Our only clue concerning his true identity came when he used a POW tap code to spell out “Jay.” While he did confirm to Barry that he was talking about Jay Garrick, he got flustered when Barry said that Jay’s fine on Earth 1 and started shaking his head.

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While we can firmly say it’s not Leonardo DiCaprio under that mask trying to relive the 1998 movie, speculation is already rampant about who this man is. Glimpsed last week at the end of “Welcome to Earth-2,” last night’s episode “Escape from Earth-2” gave us more screen time with the individual being called The Man in the Iron Mask, who is Jesse Quick’s fellow prisoner at Zoom’s lair. Zoom is no longer the only person on The Flash whose identity is a mystery.

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